Museet Ribes Vikinger
What were the origins of Ribe and how did the town’s inhabitants live when Ribe was a major European trading centre?
Ribes Vikinger is the place to find the answers. The exhibitions of unique archaeological finds present the history of Ribe from the beginning of the 700s and on through the Viking Age and the Middle Ages to about 1700. In the years 710-850, the Viking marketplace flourished, and the museum’s Viking Age exhibition is packed with beautiful objects from the workshops of the bead maker, the bronze caster and the comb maker.
The exhibition about Ribe in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance tells about daily life: play, health and sickness - about religious houses and churches and about the ongoing profitable trading in the town. The story is told in so many different ways that both families with children and those with a special interest in history and archaeology will get something out of it.
In addition to the two permanent exhibitions, the museum also shows the special exhibition The Viking Town with finds from a large excavation in Ribe 2017-2018.
Experience the museum with a guide
We also offer guided tours through the exhibitions. More information can be found on https://www.ribesvikinger.dk/en/book-an-experience/