Parking and maps
Parking in Ribe and on Fanø is free but you always have to display your parking disc. In Esbjerg City, the first 2 hours of parking are free when the parking disc is set, after which more time can be purchased via app or vending machine.
2 hours parking
Most of the old town centre, but only in marked places. The Inner City is pedestrian zone with driving allowed, therefore show consideration for pedestrians in traffic.
Long-stay parking at P-South - Tøndervej
48 hours free parking for cars, campers, caravans and coaches.
P-Center - Sct. Peders Gade
4 hours free parking for cars and tour coaches.
P-North - Saltgade
48 hours free parking for cars. Campers and caravans are only permitted between 9.30-21.00.
P-East (center) - Rosen Allé 6
48 hours free parking for cars. No dedicated parking slots for campers.
2 hours parking - additional time can be purchased via app or machine
Borgergade, Havnegade and Danmarksgade.
4 hours parking - additional time can be purchased via app or machine
BROEN Shopping
Max. 7 days
Nørregade (close to the train station)
24 hours parking
Dokvej and Bavnehøjvej.
No timelimit
Adgangsvejen 15-17 and Auktionsgade.