Fanø by bike
There are bike paths between all the urban areas on Fanø (Nordby, Fanø Bad, Rindby Strand and Sønderho), so biking on Fanø is safe - for both children and adults.
The beautiful nature on Fanø is the setting for wonderful outdoor experiences and activities. The beach is of course the starting point for many of the activities. Here, you can enjoy swimming, hiking, cycling, playing beach sports and looking for amber.
In the beach resorts Fanø Bad and Rindby Strand there is the opportunity to play mini golf, football golf, tennis, Bubble Ball. In Fanø Bad is located Denmark's oldest golf course, Fanø Golf Links.
Fanø is known for its many festivals and events. The big kite festival in June and the knitting festival in September attract thousands of guests. In addition, the traditional village festivals Sønderhodagen and Fannikerdagene in Nordby, where the focus is on the traditional costumes, dance and music.